Members of FÖPS Berlin
The members of the research institute are university lecturers at the HWR with a diverse set of professional backgrounds. They belong to a variety of academic disciplines which shape the character of our ongoing research including criminology, the social sciences, psychology, and law.

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Aden has been professor of German and European Public Law, Public Policy & Public Administration since 2009. From 2016 he was the deputy director of FOEPS, until he becomes Vice President for Research (provisionally) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in 2020. His research focuses on accountability, human rights, data protection, police law, right of assembly, law and technology, and environmental law and policy. His research projects primarily examine the interfaces between law, politics, and administration from a national as well as European and international perspective.

Prof. Dr. Clemens Arzt
Prof. Dr. Clemens Arzt has been professor of constitutional and administrative law at the BSEL (formerly FHVR Berlin) since 1999, with a focus on police and regulatory law. His research has concentrated on German and international police law and right of assembly, protection of critical infrastructure, and the legal aspects of vehicle automation. He has authored numerous publications and often works as an expert for the German federal and state parliaments.

Prof. Dr. Gritt Beger
Prof. Dr. Gritt Beger has been professor of constitutional and administrative law at the BSEL since 2009. Her specialty is police law. Before joining the BSEL, she was the senior civil servant of the Dresden Police Department for several years. Her work focuses on police, civil service, and public service law.

Prof. Dr. Marc Coester
Prof. Dr. Marc Coester has been professor of criminology at the BSEL since 2014. He holds a degree in educational science. Before joining FÖPS Berlin, Marc Coester worked for the institutes of criminology at the universities of Tübingen and Marburg, the crime prevention council of Lower Saxony’s ministry of justice, and the German Congress on Crime Prevention. Among other topics, he is an expert on crime prevention, right-wing extremism, hate crime, evaluation research and recidivism research.

Prof. Dr. Anna Daun
Prof. Dr. Anna Daun has been Professor for political science at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) since 2016. Her teaching and research fall within the fields of International Relations and Security Studies. She is especially interested in security cooperation, fragile states, intelligence and civil protection. Bevor joining the HWR Berlin she worked for the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) on risk perception and risk communication.

Prof. Dr. Annika Dießner
Prof. Dr. Annika Dießner has been a professor of criminal procedural law, with a focus on police law, and criminal law, including civil law matters, since 2018. Previously, she worked as a lawyer with a specialization in criminal law. Her current research focus is on criminal procedural law and its interface with security law.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl-Heinz Fittkau
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Fittkau has been a professor of leadership at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2017. He previously worked as a police officer for over 35 years. His research focuses on police leadership, personnel development, and leadership training.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Jaschke
Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Jaschke has been professor of political science with a focus on internal security at the BSEL (formerly FHVR Berlin) since 1996. Between 2002 and 2007, he was head of the Department of Law and Social Studies at what is now the Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei in Münster (German Police University). He is an expert on political extremism, police training in the national and international context, and the politics of internal security.

Prof. Dr. Guido Kirchhoff
Prof. Dr. Guido Kirchhoff has been a professor of public law at the HWR Berlin since 2018. Previously, he was a professor of constitutional and European law at the Brandenburg State Police Academy from 2006 to 2011 and a professor of social work law at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences from 2011 to 2018. His research focuses on police law (in particular Berlin and Brandenburg), child and youth welfare law (in particular age determination, taking into care, social data protection) and social law (in particular SGB XII).

Prof. Dr. Christoph Kopke
Prof. Dr. Christoph Kopke has been professor of political science and sociology at the HWR Berlin since 2015. Before he was research assistant at Moses Mendelssohn Centre, University Potsdam. He is an expert on right-wing extremism.

Prof. Marcel Kuhlmey
Prof. Marcel Kuhlmey has been working at the HWR Berlin since 2009 and is a professor for risk and crisis management. He previously worked for the Berlin police for 25 years, most recently as its press spokesman. Working in the HWR Berlin's Police and Security Management Department, from 2009 to 2011 he was the Vice Dean and Dean of Studies. Since 2011 he has been the Dean of the Department. His current research focuses on the area of security concepts for large events and safety exercises.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kühnel
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kühnel was professor of criminology at the former FHVR Berlin from 1998 to 2011. Since 2011 he is professor of sociology at the BSEL. His research and publications cover a wide range of topics in the field of criminology. His current research concentrates on political protest, political participation of juveniles, and the transition from school to working life.

Prof. Dr. Martin Kutscha
Prof. Dr. Martin Kutscha was professor of constitutional and administrative law at the BSEL (formerly FHVR Berlin) from 1990 to 2014. He is the author of countless publications on police law, data protection, and constitutional law, and often works as an expert for the German federal and state parliaments. His research revolves around issues of fundamental rights in the context of police law, data protection, civil service and European law.

Prof. Dr. Vincenz Leuschner
Prof. Dr. Vincenz Leuschner has been a professor of criminology and sociology at the HWR Berlin since 2017. Previously, he was a professor at the University of Applied Pedagogy in Berlin and a research assistant at the Free University of Berlin. His research focuses on violence (with a focus on terrorism), social problems and criminal development, crime prevention strategies, and the sociology of relationships.

Prof. Christian Matzdorf

Prof. Dr. Wim Nettelnstroth
Prof. Dr. Wim Nettelnstroth has been professor of psychology (personnel management) at the BSEL since 2012. Since 2014 he has been in charge of quality assurance in the Department of Police and Security Management. Prior to joining the BSEL, he was professor of psychology and education at the Brandenburg University of Applied Police Sciences. His professional activities and research focus primarily on personnel and organisational psychology, in particular personnel selection, communication/conflict, and leadership and organisational diagnostics.

Prof. Dr. Janine Neuhaus
Prof. Dr. Janine Neuhaus has been professor of psychology and research methods since 2017. Previously, she was working as a research consultant at Potsdam University (2015-2017) and as a research associate within several third-party-funded research projects at Freie Universität Berlin (2004-2015; in cooperation with the LKA Berlin, Volkswagen-Foundation etc.). She is an expert on crime prevention, youth violence, intervention and evaluation research and gender research.

Prof. Dr. Claudius Ohder
Prof. Dr. Claudius Ohder has been professor of criminology at the BSEL (formerly FHVR Berlin) since 1996. Since 2005 he has been head of the Security Management programme at the BSEL. He is an expert in the fields of crime prevention, regulatory impact assessment, and urban security.

Prof. Dr. Jan Dirk Roggenkamp
Prof. Dr. Jan Dirk Roggenkamp has been a professor of public law at the HWR Berlin since 2017. Previously, he worked as a professor at the Lower Saxony Police Academy, as a consultant in the Federal Ministry of Justice, and as a lawyer for the law firm Bird & Bird LLP. His research focuses on the legal implications of IT-supported policing, particularly in the area of combating and preventing cybercrime.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Rumpel
Prof. Dr. Rainer Rumpel studied mathematics and physics at the Free University of Berlin and completed his doctorate in mathematics in 1997 at the Humboldt University of Berlin. From 1997 to 2001 he worked in the information technology industry. In 2001 he was appointed professor for business informatics with a focus on IT infrastructure at the HWR Berlin. He also works for the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) at the international standardization committee ISO / IEC JTC1 / SC 27 (IT Security Techniques) and as a consultant and auditor for information security management systems (ISMS). His research topics include studies on the effectiveness of information security management systems and the risk assessment of encryption technologies.

Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schönrock
Prof. Dr. Sabrina Schönrock has been professor of public law at the BSEL since 2013, where she was previously a guest lecturer from 2010. Her research and teaching concentrate on fundamental and human rights in the context of policing, as well as public service and disciplinary law. She is co-author of a standard commentary on Berlin police law (ASOG Berlin), and since 2015 is a Judge at the Constitutional Court of Berlin. Since 2016 she has been Dean of the Police and Security Management faculty.

Prof. Dr. Birgitta Sticher
Prof. Dr. Birgitta Sticher has been professor of psychology and leadership studies at the BSEL (formerly FHVR Berlin) since 1998, and since 2007 she has been internship coordinator for the Security Management programme at the BSEL. The focuses of her research are public involvement in disaster protection and the examination of pro-social behaviour in times of crisis/catastrophe.

Prof. Dr. Tarik Tabbara
Prof. Dr. Tarik Tabbara, LL.M. (McGill) has been a professor of public law, with an emphasis on German and European security law, at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2018. Before that, he was a consultant on the staff of the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration as well as in the Federal Ministry of Environment and in the legal department of a parliamentary group in the Bundestag. He focuses his teaching and research on questions of fundamental human rights and security law. He is particularly interested in immigration and citizenship law as well as questions relating to the constitutional law of the immigration society.

Dr. Helmut Tausendteufel
Dr. Helmut Tausendteufel is a sociologist who has been a lecturer and research assistant in several research projects at the Berlin School of Economics and Law since 2001. He is currently a visiting professor for criminology. His research focuses on the areas of violence and juvenile delinquency as well as political crime.

Prof. Dr. Carolyn Tomerius
Prof. Dr. Carolyn Tomerius was appointed to a professorship of public law at the HWR Berlin in 2018. Previously, she had been a visiting professor at the university since 2014. Her main areas of teaching and research focus on constitutional and police law. She worked for many years on the board of directors of the Berlin Administrative Academy and as a lawyer in the Becker Büttner Held law firm.